Cleansing Secrets
Cleanse your face every night without exception.
Also, clean your face in the morning – a splash of water is not enough. Use a small amount of cleanser, but be sure to use it.
Apply the cleanser to dry skin. Do not wet the skin beforehand. Add water afterward to emulsify it - unless you are using an oil-based cleanser. (When was the last time your esthetician moisturized your face before cleansing?)
If you only cleanse with cleansing wipes, please stop. This is not cleaning, it is just shifting dirt on your face
Do you wear makeup with sunscreen or just sunscreen? Then you need to double cleanse. If you don't wear makeup or sunscreen, one cleanse is enough.
Always use a washcloth and water to remove.
Use fresh, running water from the tap – don't fill the bowl and spray yourself off. That will only spread the dirt back onto your face.
If you wear waterproof eye makeup, it will be gentler on your face if you first use a product specifically designed to remove waterproof eye makeup. Otherwise, use a cleanser that removes regular eye makeup and apply the cleanser to your eyes first. This way, you will remove most of the makeup in the first step and the second cleanse will remove the rest. Massage during the second cleanse, not the first.
Use lukewarm (not hot) water and wring out the washcloth – if it feels comfortable on your fingertips, it will be fine for your face too.
Use a fresh washcloth every day. You can find cheap washcloths. Many retailers offer good quality ones starting at $0.50. Buy eight and you'll have a week's supply plus a spare. They don't have to be special muslin cloths or other special cloths. I've done treatments with all kinds of cloths, but I've always come back to the plain white washcloths that can be washed at high temperatures to kill bacteria.
You can use the same washcloth you used for your morning cleanse for your evening cleanse. Then put it in the laundry basket and use a fresh one the following day.
Be Natural, Be Beautiful, Be You - Emma x